Code of conduct
The RocketGov Hackathon builds on an inclusive and respectful working culture
The RocketGov Hackathon promotes a working culture – on- and offline – based on respect, dignity, openness, and equality to ensure an inclusive environment in which everyone invited can fully participate.
All participants, partners, and staff commit to this working culture in creating an inclusive environment regarding all the elements listed below. Abusive or discriminatory language or behaviour in any form during the Hackathon, including during check-point sessions, bilateral discussions, or group discussions on the event platform, as well as in online media such as Twitter/LinkedIn, etc., is not tolerated.
In addition to these rules, all interactions with the Rocketchat community, including this Hackathon, should comply with the Rocket.Chat Code of Conduct: https://developer.rocket.chat/rocket.chat/contribute-to-rocket.chat/code_of_conduct
Recording / Screen-capturing / Filming during the RocketGov Hackathon
Recording, screen-capturing, snapshots (print screen), or filming of RocketGov Hackathon sessions and participants should not be done secretly or against people’s wishes. It is required to be transparent at all times and to ask for permission before taking photos / snapshots or making any kind of recordings or screen captures of individuals or small groups. This will be taken seriously.
The RocketGov Hackathon may use snapshots, photos, videos, and video recordings of the RocketGov Hackathon proceedings and of participants to promote current and future events. If you do not want images of yourself to be taken and/or published, please indicate this in the registration form when registering for the event.
All participants are expected to observe the above rules during the whole duration of the Hackathon and on the Hackathon online platform.
There is an email available at all times until the Hackathon ends: Hackathon@tipik.eu . You can address any issue, at any time. We expect cooperation from all participants to help ensure a safe environment for everybody participating. Regarding any other comments or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact us at: Hackathon@tipik.eu